Hi there! 👋 I'm Brian, a full stack software developer based in Burlington, Vermont.
I started coding when I was a kid (by finding an ancient QBASIC executable when I was 9) and haven't stopped since. I've always been fascinated by making things, and to me, programming is an avenue where the physical barriers of creating things are stripped away and you can have unparalleled levels of creative possibility spring to life.
I also sometimes take photos and make alternative-rock music.
Let's get in touch 👇
I work with clients and 3rd party vendors to connect clinical systems (lab results, clinical document feeds, and much more) to make pediatric healthcare more efficient.
Proudly a subject matter expert on clinical decision support, and developer / maintainer of PCC's vaccine forecasting solution.
Tools: PHP, JavaScript, Postgres, Java, Mirth Connect
I created and actively maintain a donation-based afterschool program management system, utilized by many programs in Vermont and around the United States.
Daycamp not only helps these programs run more efficiently - it also makes it easier for them to find funding, enhances security of sensitive data, and gives program staff more time to do the important stuff (being there for kids!)
Tools: PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, MariaDB